Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Thing 3 - RSS Feeds

I had a little understadning of RSS before this. Now I have a better understanding. However, I do not see the use for me in the world of my library. I can see them being used on your own website or blog. In my day to day work environment, I don't even have time to check for the latest news from a feed. I believe this will be one of the 23 things that I chalk up to experiencing but not using on a daily basis. I teach a class at Hamline University in the summer and fall. One of the classes is supposed to spend a lot of time on blogs. Many of the students (teachers) in the class could not find a good use for a blog. I think they would feel the same way about RSS feeds. The one place I could see them being used would be in a current events class. Getting the daily news could be helpful instead of having to search the web for the same information. I will need to read other blogs to see how public libraries might be using RSS.

The Palinet tutorial was very good. And the Common Craft Show is great. Watching both the blog video and the RSS video helped to understand both concepts in plain English.

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