Sunday, March 2, 2008

Thing 16 - Student Web 2.0

I had seen the Research Project Calculator before. It's use has been promoted through MEMO. It is user friendly and great for middle and high school students. I could even see it being used with upper elementary students. I think all students need to start early in planning their time for projects. It is so easy to procrastinate and if this tool is used it helps the student to stay on track. The support materials were very helpful. Having all the pdf files available right there makes it easy for anyone to understand the steps. It seemed a simple plan to follow.

The U of M Assignment Calculator was also very good. The support materials were extensive and sent the student to other colleges and university such as Princeton and Purdue for help with their writing. What a great collaborative system.

I thought they both did the same sort of things, it was just more of a level of difficulty. As an elementary teacher, it would be harder for me to use this with students.

But on a personal level, I might try it for a professional project or just to keep myself organized. The only trouble is that it does relate mostly to research projects so it might not work to help me to get my grocery list done. :)

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